Friday, January 18, 2013

what if...

We could stop making excuses, for all the what ifs in life,
For what she is...
This is not maybe what could've been
Cos while the never touched, never felt ever surfaced,
Maybe, what would've been will forever haunt
For closure.
In the the disturbed surface on the edge of the water
never begged for forgiveness
of what was never the fault
Maybe, what wouldve been will forever haunt.
For a closure.


Saturday, January 12, 2013


The old lady sits across the intent look in her eyes. The kind that can pierce through your darkest secrets , burn your soul with guilt. Like she's accusing you of having left. Of having looked at her and smiled and then walked away without looking back to a new set of laughter n smiles.
The wise old one will never forgive . And The wise old one will never forget.
The wise old one will weep for you and the half stubbed one left behind on the pavement...