Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Shattering glass
Chalk on the blackboard
Pen scratching the surface of a blank paper
Gentle humming of the AC
Rustling leaves

... on and on and on....

Jigsaw Puzzles

When the pieces are all scattered, and you stare at them long enough. You know that it will all fit. The pieces will come together. They are meant to. They were broken from the same whole.Right?
But perhaps the truth is that the jigsaw puzzle was broken for a reason. Jagged edges that will always show Broken for the pieces never to come together. Scattered and free .

To go away . Free will. If it exists.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Dreams from another life

A haze, a cloud of smoke, usual sounds and smells. Piles of laughter and familiar songs. A silent walk in the wee hours of the morning. A smile at a distant thought. The friendly & shy.
The proximity of comfort, at arm's length.

Maybe just a trick of mind.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Scars make heroes

Masochism at its best it is, to equate the number of scars that are possessed by one's valiance. On the surface. Atleast.

But perhaps valiance it truly is to have them, look at them each day, relive the pain and mask it with self appointed glory; to know the hollowness and helplessness of carrying them forever at terms one never dictated.
While the world laughs at one's foibles and the false sense of bravado that one seems to possess, being able to equate scars to heroism itself is valiance supreme.